look at what B3 had to say about Difficult decisions in general, and difficult decisions they've had to make in their life
Deciding about the department I would choose ın unıversity, I think I did my hardest choice. The reason for this diffuculty was that I had to decide whether I would stay ın ıstanbul or go another city. staying ın ıstanbul would be more comfortable because ı would live with my family and could see all my friends. on the other hand, going another city would be difficult as ı would do all house work by myself and be away from my friends and family. ı thought living another city would be harder for my as ı was used to my mother's cooking for me and wah,ng my clothes for me. so ıt would be really diffult to eat only paste and eggs all the time when ı was alone. ıf you ask why the answer is simple: I only know these two dishes:) fast food is also ok for me for sometimes but ı can not survive eating them all the time in additon to that they are expensive for a student.
the other thing was choosing the department I wanted. At first, I thought being a vet or a food engineer could be good then I started to think that my ability was on more mechanical topics. I used to repair my toys and investigate their inside. ı would not be relaxed if I did not look what was in it. considering these ı decided to choose mecatronical engineering in okan university.Therefore, ı would stay in istanbul with my family and have the comfort ı was used to and at the same time ı would study the subject wich ı wanted...
how come a person wants to abate somethıng whıch ıs a part of her body?The base questıon:recover of the peoples' life or abate of their life..Definitely;this will be a difficult decision of our life.Needless to say that ;everytime we don't want to do this but sometimes we have to do this.When she will in gestation period,doctors accept of the baby have the healthy problems.For example;how fair to present that kınd of lıfe to a person.May be the baby have a bad life .For example ;he or she will be handicapped or disabled.Sometimes we will decree to this situatıon.If we have a chance to ask the baby wants to live this life ,what does say a baby ?
I thınk ın any case anybody want to have mental anguish in their life.On the other hand;may be they are an unborn child but they have a right to lıfe.Sometimes people have a baby only their enjoyment and this time people want to have an abortion.Never the baby hasn't got an abuse.To get the their truth isn't the right decision.Unborn child doesn't purge an offence.We have difficulties imaging for this situation.If we have this problem,how fair to coerced .This is very difficult question!!
Difficult decisions sometimes change our life. İmportant thing is how cam we review this deciosn because it can change our life. For this reason we must think a lot for difficlt decions after decide. All people should decide some decions. For example study abroad , live another country or married are difficult decions for some people
In my life my difficult decion is study in İstanbul because my family live in Bursa. İt is sometimes hard for me but it is important my future life.
In Short difficult decisions are part of our life and we must carefull and be smart for this decisions.
hi ecem what are you doing my beautiful ex girl friend...I missed you baby,i hope you are happy.I'm very changeable at the moments because ı'll go to hıgh school and i have to decide where i want go to.I'm asking that you think which üniversity do i decide to.I think, i should go to istanbul so i want to study engineer and if i study in istanbul,i can improve my self in there.Furthermore my brother is in istanbul this situations turn me to istanbul but this city is very crowded and it's got air politions and you know i don't like it.
I hope you'll turn me
P.S. i still love you...good bye see you
Hi Matthew!
I hope you feel good,I will tell you about my most difficult decision.My topic is selection üniversity.
First of all I had a strong üniversity exam and I got a good mark,but the important question is where I go to the üniversity.Everybody was saying something for üniversity.First I wanted to go to Uludağ Üniversity than I went to Okan Üniversty information office and I dicided to go to Okan Üniversity.I know I choose the best thing for me.I hope,have nice years:) see you.
in life we must take difficult decisions.I think the most difficult decisions to be taken in life is marriage sweetheart.because to find the right person to decide to spend a lifetime with him is rather difficult.a person who decide to marry think about this issue very much and should give the most accurate decision.because when we get married we start a new life with husband or wife and we take all responsibility for life ourselves.therefore We must make the best choice.our husband or wife have same thougts and look to life same place,should have the same education level.because if couples have diffrent education this situtation will cause some problems.the same time couples should have good financial income.therefore Nothing happens without money.in marriage families get on well each other.because on both sides want to be with their children.all in all They always encountered.
finally marriage is a difficult decision.before we take this decision we should be considered.We have to get their ideas of our family.We must be sure against a well known.
Marriage is the most difficult and important decision of life. Marriage needs more responsibility. Because of military in Turkey people generally marry after military. Marriage has many advantages and disadvantages for examle a married person can easily work formally because he/she have to earn money for their family and has to live more regular. On the other hand many companies wants their workers young who did their military and single. They thinks that single and young people wants to make a good career and they are more ambitious than married ones. In Turkish culture marriage is so popular and the age average of the people who married are so young. According to this statement we can easily understand that old Turkish culture not overlaps with new metropolis rules. After marriage nobody can live like the same life style before they married so the people who wants marriage has to think a lot because it is an important decision. Marriage life changes people so some people beware for marriage because nobody wants change like a father or a mother in a short time. Teenagers are rebellious so they don't want marriage because of disadvantages for themselves. In conclusion marriage is an important decision so be careful to make that choise...
I gonna tell you the most terrible desicion of my life. It is about a kind of examination called 'öss' which is the worse part of education systym in our country. I had it about one year ago then i passed it so i had to decide what i wanna be. I really though about it with my family andit was really hard to find right choice because this desicion was going to affect all my life. Everybody said something about it so my head was increasingly confuse . The most important part was what İ really wanted and that really sucks . Those were the days i got some help from student adviser that took our few days just choosing faculity but the most difficult one was ordering the choices because it could force me to change my hometown and it should be nightmare to change my life that i used to. At the end i passed it i didn't feel bad because İ'm here where i really want to be. I had to give up a lot of thing that i used to like friends, our places. There are so far away from here and that blows. I missed them so much but i belive in my luck because i' m happy there for being here. i love my new friends and school too.
It was six years ago.I made the most important decision of my life.That night, my friends came to me and we gossiped until that day.Then when the time was at 19:00, my friends decided to leave.I went out to see them off with my friends.we waited for a bus together.When they got in bus, I was waiting on sidewalk. Suddenly I heard brake voice.A car was coming toward me .I didn't have enough time actually any time.I couldn't know what will I do? I was afraid so much.I decided to run speedily but where? toward front or toward back!! I had to decide and I run toward front.I achieved to escape but I don't never forget that I felt wind of the car.
Every people must give hard decisions in life.But in the life of people they usually have the most difficult decision.My most difficult desicions revelant to my life style.Firstly,this does not look like my decision, but when i grow older , i'm understand that ''it's my decision''. My speech,my method of execution,my request,my mistakes... When i noticed these differences , i understand that this is my :) . i can correct my mistakes when i realize it . For example , if i don't study my lesson , my parents be angry to me, nevertheless i still not study :). But , i know that's my fault not my parents. They spend a lot of money for me . i can compensation my fault . However i don't want study and i don't compensation my fault . At least not the life of other i m living my own life :).